Saturday, February 22, 2014

" Magnesium … "

And didn't even know your own strength ...
We saw you ignite some reaction
Like magnesium put to a flame
And you never would guess what they're saying about you
Now that everyone knows your name

It's a hard road no one ever should have to know
But you make friends along the way
Never aware of when you would go ...
Seems you're the only one to make an artwork out of a life ...
Cause happiness is what you gave to me

~ Ether ~ Magnesium ~


With my keen interest and studies within nutritional healing, I’ve been reading about Magnesium.  Now when I first thought about this mineral, my mind quickly went the periodic table I had to memorize in grade school if I had any hopes to pass ... chemical element with the symbol Mg and an atomic number of 12 ...

Magnesium is the eighth most abundant mineral on earth, the third most abundant in sea water and the fourth most abundant in the human body.  More importantly, we need magnesium in every cell of our human body for our strong teeth & bones and healthy nervous & cardiovascular systems.  Specifically, our brain and hearts produce a large amount of electrical activity which can be especially vulnerable to magnesium deficiencies.  And these deficiencies can imbalance the use of calcium in our cells and lead to further serious issues … 

Plus, modern farming processes have depleted our soils of natural magnesium.  Even fluoridated water binds with magnesium creating a nearly insoluble mineral compound that ends up deposited on our bones and compromising them.  Oh and diets packed with caffeinated drinks, high sugar consumption, processed foods and an abundance of alcohol doesn’t help much either.  And sadly even pharmaceuticals such as birth control pills, hypertension medicine, diuretics, insulin, and certain antibiotics (among others) deplete magnesium levels. 

 some blood tests can be ineffective in gauging magnesium levels 
as less than 1% of it is in our blood  

So how do you know if you are deficient ... symptoms such as insomnia, irritability, muscle soreness or spasms, premenstrual cramping, reoccurring migraines, heart flutters or palpitations, fatigue, coldness in extremities, fuzzy brain, lack of appetite, constipation, gut disorders, kidney stones, carbohydrate cravings ...

So how do you make sure you are getting enough … start with leafy green vegetables, sea vegetables, kelp, nettle (herb), almonds, wheat germ, cashews, oatmeal, peanuts, potatoes with skin, black eye peas and brown rice  because they are good dietary sources of magnesium.  As well, magnesium supplements can be found on the market.  

Be sure to ALWAYS consult with your practitioner first.
the aforementioned is for information purpose ONLY.

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