Sunday, February 2, 2014

" Legacy … "

Chances to move mountains are few and far between,
But only unseen by those who choose them to be
Live every day like it's your last chance to be heard and seen,
Because the good die young and the great change the course of history

Do you have the courage to follow your heart?
Your life could be over before you ever had a chance to start
Don't miss your opportunity ...

Reach for the sky!
Nothing's impossible when you realize the strength is inside
Embrace the struggle when it's all you can see
Words only come to life when you believe

~ Memphis May Fire ~ Legacy ~ 

“You have no idea what your legacy will be.  Your legacy is every life that has been touched, has ever been uplifted, or been moved by everything you did and shared” 
~ Oprah

What will you be remembered for ... how rich you were or how much you gave?  how independent you were or how much you loved?

Many don’t like to think about their legacy as it feels morbid, as if we were inviting death into our lives.  It is about our attitudes around death which tells us about life.  Think about it ... will your headstone say “she was rich, had a lovely car and was so thin”.  Probably not.  And so, the natural circle of life tells us that we will die, some day.  So in the meantime, we matter, here and now.  EMBRACE IT!!  we have the chance to make a difference in our circle of influence.  We have the chance to pay it forward.  


It is notable the "tributes" capture a person’s personality not their resume.  Which takes us back to what we are putting in place today to be remember, loved and revered.  We have an opportunity to inspire thorugh our actions, our relationships, our generosity, our kindness and our service.  

 With a broad picture of the effect we want to have, 
don’t miss this gift  

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